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The Fresh Faces Project Meets Venta: Teen Artists Visually Conceptualize Airwashers

Hi there!

Thanks for returning to the blog for another collaboration post between Venta and The Fresh Faces Project! We enlisted the creativity of four awesome Chicago teens to give us their artistic interpretation of a Venta Airwasher. Below are their submissions, please enjoy and let us know which ones you like!


Hi, my name is Camrynn Lawrence. I'm a junior at John Hancock College Prep and I adore art. I am currently in AP photography and AP ART and I want to major in some art form during my college years. I enjoy all types of art but I mainly thrive in Digital Art and/or Graphic Design.

My art work is of the Venta Airwasher as a super hero! Since the company color is blue (the Venta logo) I used a blue V on his chest. But, since the company was founded in Germany I incorporated the Germany flag colors  (yellow, black and red) into the super hero outfit. HE'S SAVING THE DAY FROM HOT AND DIRTY AIR WOOO!



There were crayons everywhere, small scribbles of red and blue covering the white floor tiles. Looking back at this moment of my life, I concluded that the tiles were bricks to my Banksy and like him, I wanted to express my ideas on something more than paper.

My name is Irene Trejo and I was born March 22nd 2001, and I grew up in Little Village. Me and my family lived in an average sized house, the top floor inhabited by my grandparents and the bottom floor: my mom, my dad, my two brothers and me. I always looked up to my oldest brother Dimitri, never did a day go by where I wasn't trying to do things like him. When he got into drawing and tagging, I slowly started creeping into art too with imaginary characters and I drew along with purses and heels. My mom worked at an art supply store, and I tried all types of materials such as charcoal, oil pastel, linoleum, watercolor, and acrylic. This led me to do art on my own and differ from my brother's art style.

I am now 16 years old, and I live in the gage park area, and I've recently concluded that I'm a versatile artist, flexible and adaptable because I like to explore and broaden my palate. I like still life and abstract drawings the most, and the use of color and technique is important to me because it can convey a message, and when combined with the drawing itself can dominate the visual representation. Personally as an artist putting my best foot forward to create things that make a difference and impact others is very important to me.

The emotional response I got after reading and just seeing the Venta Airwasher was very calming and soothing, especially since there are aromatherapy oils that you can add into the Airwasher. I wanted the message of my piece to give off the same feeling, I used colors like  baby blue, light pink, and purple acrylic paint. Since some of the oils are floral scented i decided to add small delicate flowers emerging from the Venta Airwasher, also  as a symbol of freshness.

Watercolor , Acrylic paint, Pencil, Black Artists' Fine Pen, Canvas



Hello, my name is Thais Romero and I’m your typical depressive and phone-addict teenager.

Originally one of the pleasantly surprised chosen 20 applicants to now one of the shockley surprising, five teen artists participating in this great opportunity.

I’m more into the arts than sports or any physical exercises or movement to be exact, dipping my hands into playing the violin and writing stories and poems, where my poem about violence allowed me to attend the Do the Write Thing ceremony in 2014. However,drawing has always stuck with me,beginning on my house walls too expensive drawing paper in my AP Studio Art: 2D design.

I’m currently working on successfully passing junior year along with studying for the SAT and three AP Exams (those exams being for AP English Language, Studio Art:2D design, and Psychology) that will allow me to graduate high school and help me get into a good college. So please feel free to send your best wishes and prayers my way.

Quick,name, five famous professional violinists!
Most likely, most of us will be unable to answer this inquiry. As a former violin player, I have first hand knowledge about the behind of the scenes of playing for instance, the investment put into the instrument. Such as a shoulder rest, extra strings,rosin,polish, lint-free cloth, tuner, fingerboard tape, mutes, the violin case, tutors, sheet music, and songbooks are important and costly necessities that help protect and keep clean the violin along with the necessary guidance to improve playing. To put it simply,violins are expensive!!! So naturally one must be responsible of keeping them in good condition. Imagine the shock I was in when I read in “Making Music Magazine” that “ When moisture is sucked out of the wood, it is left brittle and can easily crack. This is especially true for finely built acoustic instruments. For example, with a string instrument, the wood will shrink, causing the top and back to concave and eventually crack from the pressure of pulling against the braces.” But never fear the Venta Airwashers are here!!! That provide the perfect moisture balance in the air to keep our precious expensive instruments around for a very long time. Immediately,I knew I wanted to incorporate my violin experience into my art work using my drawing pencils and color pencils, I begin to work on sketching a brown-hair female teen violinist practicing playing her violin in the comfort of her own home. Where she solely focus on her music without the worries of judgement, tiredness, and broken violins.

As a modern 21st century youth, this may come to a shock to you but I don’t have any social media outlets so I apologize if you were really looking forward to stalking me. But you can contact me through my email!


I am Esperanza, I was born in the South Side of Chicago. I'm a junior at John Hancock College Prep. I started taking art classes in high school but I found my passion for art since I was in middle school. This school year I am taking an Advanced Placement Art class. Art is one of the most important things to me, it's a way to relax and express my feelings. 

 For this project I used some simple and inexpensive materials. I decided that I wanted to keep it simple and a bit more “fresh”. I used my ballpoint pen to draw the Venta Airwasher and write a little phrase. I then used watercolors to create a splash effect where the product was. I wanted to make something that would remind people of freshness, moisture and purity, so I decided to use shades of blue. I used color pencils to draw flowers that would add on to the idea of purity and a nice, natural environment. The Airwashers are products that were made to help people have enough moisture in their homes and a cleaner air. The Airwashers have positive effects on the health of people. To me, nature is a representation of cleanliness and freshness; therefore, I decided to use it to bring forth that idea about the Venta Airwashers. Not too long ago, I found a soap that had the phrase “don't be dirty” on the package, I laughed so hard that I didn't think twice to buy it again. So, I decided I wanted a short phrase for my drawing too. I decided to do “stay fresh” because it's short and it's related to the product and the drawing. 

There you have it! Those were the works of four talented teen artists, giving their interpretations of Venta Airwashers. Go ahead and check them out on social media, as well as Venta (listed below) ! Please also check out the other collaboration articles with Venta listed below. Also, please check out my latest visual project/spoken word Superman Is Dead! Thanks again

Selfies Venta Article


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