
Showing posts from April, 2015

PRODUCT FEATURE!! Bella Mari Talc Free Moisturizing Foundation

Hi guys! First, let me apologize for the long time no see. Today, we have a product feature: Bella Mari Moisturizing Foundation. Thank you to Natures Brands for sending me this lovely foundation for review! I must say that I had a fabulous time with this product and it has now become one of my staples. I tried the shade Tawny Tan! The two best things about this product are that you receive 1.7  ounces (as opposed to the standard 1 ounce) and that it is very buildable! The mount of coverage that I get when using this foundation is immaculate! One layer gives you medium coverage and two layers will give you complete full coverage. Another thing that I adore about this foundation is that it's organic. It strays away from phony chemical compounds and instead nourishes the skin with natural minerals and plant fibers! Fabulous and eco-friendly! This foundation is quite awesome. It photographs well and looks beautiful in person! The two things I must warn you of is to use a very lig