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Feed The Machine: Nickelback and Daughtry Rocked My World After A Decade of Fandom

Hi guys!

I just don't even know what to say right now. I am so overjoyed writing this blog post just thinking about how amazing my experience was finally getting to see my two favorite country rock bands since I was a preteen perform live and in color last week! Having the priviledge of blogging their performance was beyond epic, beyond cinematic, beyond anything I can even fathom. You just would've had to be there...they were just that awesome. Thank you so much to both Nickelback and Daughtry for bringing to life the vision of you I had in my head for a decade of fandom, and allowing me to blog the experience!

To give you an idea of just how badly I wanted to blog this concert, my play sister Ari and I drove 3 and a half hours to Indiana from Chicago, stayed in a super crappy motel, rocked out at the concert from 6 PM to 1 AM, got lost trying to grab food, returned to our crappy motel and slept for a couple hours then were right back on the road at 5 AM to return to our normal lives. Do I regret any of it? NOT AT ALL! I HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE!

Daughtry...WOW! Not only were you super fly with the graphic tee, skinny jeans and Nikes, but you were working the crowd. All of us could tell that you have such a passion for performing and that makes you even more admirable, the whole band is. Also, thanks for singing all of my favorite hits from you, I can't tell you how loud I screamed my head off when you sang "September," "Home," "Life After You" and so many more. I was floored by your performance and this was NO SURPRISE! Lol, get it ;) ? Seriously though, besides my terrible pun, Ithoroughly enjoyed myself.

Nickelback....It was as if your lyrics and melodies snatched the life out of my body. I think about it and get shivers because your performance was SOUL CHILLING..Let's not even discuss how amazed I was at your POWERHOUSE live vocals, despite your numerous "beverages" LOL. Or how you sang so many hits that I've been playing on repeat since Junior High like "Photograph," "Rockstar," "How You Remind Me," and "Far Away." But, let us focus on how you proceeded to ENCORE for so many more hits that we didn't get to hear during the scheduled performances and sang even more of my favorites like "If Everyone Cared" and "Figured You Out."  This was at your own pocket expense just to please the undying roars of your captivated fans, myself and Ari being two of them. For a group who of guys who are in their 40's, you guys go harder than people our age in their twenties! You guys are industry veterans and it was a pleasure and honor to blog and experience the event.

THANK YOU SO MUCH NICKELBACK AND DAUGHTRY! My only complaint is that next time, I wanna meet you both face to face so that instead of reading my sentiments on a blog, I can tell you in person :)

Lastly, I want to thank the photographer, Miss Laurie Kristler for generously allowing me to use her photos since both mine and Ari's camera phones saldy and inconveniently died during the concert. Thanks to her we can LOOK AT THESE PHOTOGRAPHS. Okay, I'm done you guys seriously LOL.

Nickelback Music
Daughtry Music

Photo Credit : Click!



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