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The Real Deal With Miss Sandra Smith - Doghmi

Hello all!

Thanks again for reading! I truly do appreciate it. With a post as moving as today's, it is very beneficial that you tuned in. Miss Sandra Smith - Doghmi, a well established #girlboss with a host of impressive accomplishments, has allowed me to interview her. I am honored. In case you aren't familiar with her, here's a little bit of her backstory :

"Sandra Smith-Doghmi has been an entrepreneur most of her life.  Her passion is helping others to realize that they too can become successful by taking that first step that she suggests for them."

Now, let's get to the questions so that we may all benefit from the wise replies ;-)

What is your mission in your life? Secularly and philosophically?
I think secularly by realizing if we don’t reach out, we will continue to struggle and philosophically by building a great deal of tenacity through values of leadership by keeping God first, then spouse, children, family, career, etc.  It is only by seeking attributes in this order can we survive and nurture ourselves.  And then others.

What are your proudest moments throughout your career?
My children’s successes, financial success through a waste management business of our own, and the beginning of Red Carpet Concierge International and lasting 9 years till now.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
A small paycheck!

If you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be and why?
I think I would concentrate on helping to break down barriers to those designers and models that work so hard to become successful.  They also need more guidance in the simple things that call attention to their struggles, namely strong pictures to show their value, to clean cut Facebook pages and more.

Do you think that a university education is necessary to be successful?
Education is always necessary as I am only a graduate of High School and a modeling college, the rest I continually read and research.  The most energetic book I have ever read was Lee Iacocca, his quote reads, “The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family. I hire people brighter than me and then I get out of their way. In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, product, and profits”.

What do “success” and “failure” mean to you?
Success means to complete each day what you have started, then at 3 in the morning start research to begin something new.  That’s how I became involved with the Oscars.

What is more important to you, profit or purpose?
Right now it is purpose, profit will automatically follow.

What is one rejection that you received earlier in your career that feel shaped your character as a businesswoman?
My modeling school informed me I was too short.  But I showed them!!!

Is there anything in your past that you would do differently if you could?
Not really, because it would have changed where I am now, guiding young professionals to realize their potential.  I am a visionary and see everyone else in the same manner and if they cannot, they either fail or become a cookie cutter.

Golden advice for aspiring talents and entrepreneurs?
My advice for glowing careers would be; start each project like you already have it in the bag!

Anything else you would like to include :)
I would like to include asking for divine help every day, each corner of my computer holds the four Angels of the Wind, North, South, East and West.  They carry me when I am exhausted, slap my hand when I reach for too many diet Pepsi’s and try real hard to keep my mind from wandering down the wrong path to find an easy way to do things for instant gratification.

As you can see, Miss Smith-Doghmi has some very great points for anyone who is aspiring to make something of themselves or simply to be motivated! A huge thank you goes out to her for sharing her thoughts! Please visit the links below to find out more information about her and her endeavours.

LIKE HER Facebook!



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