Fresh Face: Phylicia Bernard

Hi guys!

Thanks for reading. This lovely Fresh Face, Phylicia Bernard is a Fashion Stylist who is making major moves in her career! She contacted me after reading one of my press features being named 2016 Lady Boss, linked below, and I was honored to have her as one of The Fresh Faces :) Here's her story:

She professes to be a Style Strategist who is striving to empower dream-chasing women to create AUTHENTIC personal style! This allows them to feel uplifted, love the skin their in, strenthen their brand identity, get rid of "what do i wear? what do i buy?" syndrome and finally end their closet war; so that they can live in their truth, be authentic in life/biz, attract great success and tell their stories without saying a word.

She has been in the fashion industry for a total of 7 years now on and off while being a Registered nurse. Her first full time fashion venture was a fashion marketing brand for women who owned fashion brands. 1 year into that biz and women were also looking to me for personal style advice when going to important events! Thus far, she has styled women from many backgrounds and budgets at highly acclaimed fashion houses like Saks Fifth Avenue. She has also been a participating stylist for major fashion shows such as Diesel Black Gold during New York Fashion Week for two seasons. 

Sound pretty cool? Well, please check out her links below and images provided below! Clearly you can see that she stands in her truth of being a fashionista!



Lady Boss Lady Boss


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